Data Blending: Combining the data from two or more different sources is Data Blending. We can combine data between two more variety of sources such as Oracle, Excel, SQL Server and others.
Example: Combining the Oracle Table with SQL Server Table (OR) Combining Two Tables from Oracle Database (OR) Combining Two Sheets from Excel (OR) Combining Excel Sheet and Oracle Table and so on.
In Data Blending, each data source contains its own set of Dimensions and Measures.
Data Blending is useful when there is a need to combine the data from variety of sources such as Oracle, DB2, Sybase, SQL Server, Excel Files and others. We can NOT have common set of Dimensions and Measures which limits to create groups, formulas and other entities across the data.
Data Joining: Combining the data between two or more tables or sheets within the same Data Source is Data Joining.
Example: Combining Two Tables from the same Oracle Database (or) DB2 (or) Sybase (or) SQL Server and others. Combining two or more worksheets from the same Excel file.
In Data Joining, all the combined tables or sheets contains common set of Dimensions and Measures.
Data Joining is useful when there is a need to combine the data from single source but multiple tables or sheets and others, such as two or more Oracle tables or DB2 tables or Sybase tables or SQL Server tables or Excel Files and others. We CAN have common set of Dimensions and Measures which extends the ability to create groups, formulas and other entities across the data.